Need a guide to navigate creative blocks?

​Creative practice is one of life's most incredible joys, and it can be so frustrating, lonely, and bloody confusing.

Repeating the same things, getting stuck in all the same places, doubting whether you are even creative after all.


Well, I’m not quiiiite ready to call myself your creative elder, but I have without a doubt found the treasure map.

Finally understand the cycle of creativity and its essential 5 stages. Timeless knowledge that you can lean on for your entire creative life.

​Big call, I know.

Sounds Amazing!

​Creative practice is one of life's most incredible joys, and it can be so frustrating, lonely, and bloody confusing. 

Repeating the same things, getting stuck in all the same places, doubting whether you are even creative after all.


Well, I’m not quiiiite ready to call myself your creative elder, but I have without a doubt found the treasure map.

Finally understand the cycle of creativity and its essential 5 stages. Timeless knowledge that you can lean on for your entire creative life.

​Big call, I know.


Let me guess...


You get the feeling there is more depth to your expression but you have no idea how to access it.

You can be critical of yourself and your process. This takes the joy out of your expression and slows your development. You hyperfocus on how 'bad' your art is.

You're a late-comer to creativity or are self-taught and get a sense that there are some aspects of creativity that you have missing. Kind of like imposter-syndrome.

You are absolutely interested in understanding yourself more deeply and want to build your self-awareness in life, and in your art. 

You are a creative and find yourself stuck along the same spots in your process. It feels like no matter what you do, you're not moving the needle (ahem, and in life).

You want a nourishing and interesting experience, that isn't about hustle and productivity.

You want to create, whether that's writing, painting, knitting (whatever!) but you just don't start, because you don't know what to do. Either a drought of inspiration, or an overwhelm of ideas.


Resonate with some of these? Then read on.



Let me guess...


You get the feeling there is more depth to your expression but you have no idea how to access it.

You can be critical of yourself and your process. You hyperfocus on how 'bad' your art is.

You're a late-comer to creativity or are self-taught, this makes you feel like an imposter.

You have a busy life with lots of commitments. It is hard for you to make time and prioritize your creativity. 

It feels like no matter what you do, you're not moving the needle (ahem, and in life).

You want your creativity to be an enlivening experience, that isn't about hustle and productivity.

You want to create, whether that's writing, painting, knitting (whatever!) but you just don't know where to start! 


Resonate with some of these? Then read on.



This self-paced version of the course takes you through 6 specific stages that are 'must know' in your creative process. Once you know these phases, your confidence in YOURSELF and your ART will sky rocket.


The Life Cycle of a Creative Spark is a 5 week journey rich in universal principles found in creativity, psychotherapy and nature to free your creative spark.


You admire artists who can just pick up and pencil or paint brush and just. START.

The idea of being able to experiment, practice and develop your art HAPPILY is exciting to you.

Some artists seem to take their 'crappy art' in their stride. They might make a 'mistake' but move onto to the next thing effortlessly. You have no idea how they do it, but you want that too!


 This course is a journey into the terrain of your soul.
The Life Cycle of the Creative Spark is the map.

This journey is about remembering our own innate wisdom, natural intelligence and capacity for creating a life full of wonder. 



This self-paced version of the course takes you through 6 specific stages that are 'must know' in your creative process.

Once you know these phases, your confidence in YOURSELF and your ART will sky rocket.


The Life Cycle of a Creative Spark is a 5 week journey rich in universal principles found in creativity, psychotherapy and nature to free your creative spark.


You admire artists who can just pick up a pencil or paint brush and just START.

The idea of being able to experiment, practice and develop your art HAPPILY is exciting to you.

Some artists seem to take their 'crappy art' in their stride. They might make a 'mistake' but move onto to the next thing effortlessly.

You have no idea how they do it, but you want that too!

And YOUR STYLE. You can't wait for that to finally arrive.


This course is a journey into the terrain of your soul.
The Life Cycle of the Creative Spark is the map.


This is so much more than a 'creativity course'. It is a powerful return to your own innate wisdom, natural intelligence and capacity for creating a life full of wonder and joy (+ART).

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You might be wondering about me, and how this course came to be?

My name is Natalia, born to Polish parents and creative from birth (just like you). I'm now a well-seasoned gestalt therapist and Psychologist, and retreat and workshop facilitator.

My current obsession is the commonality found in creativity, therapy and nature; the core premise of this very course!

I had my own 'aha' moment when I realized what I was practicing in Gestalt psychotherapy was the same thing that was happening in nature, and was the same thing happening on my canvas. It was huge!

Writing about myself is a little weird, but I am quirky and humor loving, whilst also deeply thoughtful with an 'existential-crisis' just a step ahead of me.

I love to gently cajole you into your free expression; you creating with abandon is my kind of medicine! 

The creative adventures I have been on are vast; solo exhibitions, t-shirt collaborations, CD cover art, print series, workshops and art retreats in Margaret River.

In 2024 I am off in my Troopy 'Pearl' to travel Australia and paint and counsel as I go. 

And now I get to fuse the transformational power of my two loves, therapy and art, in this course.

My greatest wish is that people open the door to their creative spark, and enjoy what it is to be a wonderfully creative human.

You MUST be starting to wonder how your creativity might change by doing this course? Good hehe.

Right. Let's get back to it!


This is the self-facilitated version of the Life Cycle of a Creative Spark course. There are a few benefits of you driving your own participation. Most obviously, you have access to the same content for a more affordable investment. Secondly, you might also prefer to do it solo and at your own pace without the group calls.

The psychologist in me knows that you are more likely to do it if I drip feed it to you! So that's what I have done, and outside of that you can take it as slow as you like. The content will always be there for you.

You have the option of joining the exclusive Facebook group (which is just the sweetest place to hang out!) for creative folk who have participated in the Life Cycle of a Creative Spark, or attended my Art Camp Retreats. It's an arty, casual space where we check in, share art, asks questions, and tell everyone when there is an art materials sale on in the area!

From the day you join, you will receive a weekly email, with a fresh new chapter.

Most people have a sensory preference, so I have offered an audio recording of the content (there are some lovely stories and meditations in there too) so you can snuggle up with a cuppa and be read to.

For the visual people who love colour and beauty, I have created a stunning book, full of original art work by moi.

It really is gorgeous and worth printing so you have a beautiful talisman for your creative journey.


Each weeks module contains a:

🎨 A short & sweet 'check in' video

🎨 An audio recording of the weeks content

🎨 The relevant chapter from the gorgeous e-book

🎨 A fun 'lets get started' painting class to get you in flow.


Each week I introduce you to a different part of the life cycle (essentially a little light theory) plus a whole bunch of invitations, exercises and reflections to make it personal to you; so you can deeply understand the life cycle in your own practice (and life).

Jane Eckermann

- Visual Artist

Halfway through the course I felt like I was given a permission slip, then by the end I felt so empowered that I realised I never actually needed the permission, the creative spark was in me all along!

Jarna Saunders

- Daya Clarity Coach

This course has opened me up to so many more parts within myself, I feel so much more expressive and free in what I allow as an artist.

You are a creative (even you, the one shy to call yourself an artist!) and you know there is something funky happening with your creativity, and you want to unfunk yourself.

You want to feel free to explore and adventure with your craft; you feel like there's more fun to be had, and you crave sinking into that juicy creative flow.

In a nutshell, you want to create. And you want to be beaming with joy about it.


This course will open the door to your creative heart.


There's nothing else left for me to say, except "come on in!".


P.S This course is for ALL creatives, not just painters. This process fits for all creation and innovation, because it is essentially about being an alive human.